Monday, October 18, 2010

Hi, my name is Christina and I am a...

How many more times will I start...and then delete my very first blog post?? I'm guessing somewhere between 6 and 45.9 times.

I never saw myself as a blogger (mostly because the fact that I can even turn on my computer is a miracle). But then I realized I have the perfect amount of narcissistic need for attention that makes this the perfect hobby for me to dive into. So, here I go...

I am messy. But not just when you see my bedroom. I like to keep my whole life that way. I thrive in disorder. I am comfortable there. When things are running oh so smoothly, I am bored. So I am hoping that I can share a little bit of my disorder with you, my dear internet.

So it is a Monday night... And I am refusing to go to bed because that would be the responsible thing to do. Instead, I am bitter that my mini-vacation is ending and that I even have to go back to work. I took off today as a recovery day after the Steelers game. Completely reasonable, I'd say, seeing as I rarely do anything in moderation. Then last week sometime I determined that working full 5 day work weeks is completely overrated. So I took off Friday too. I'm positive that my boss was thrilled. I really try to be responsible, but then my overwhelming immaturity kicks in and I just can't fathom continuing to act like a real adult for even one more minute, hour, day...

So I used my 4 days of freedom to reconnect with a wonderful friend that we'll call Natty (must use fake names to protect the not-so-innocent). This girl is an amazing friend and yet, we are both guilty of not spending enough time with one another. In the end though, we always pick up right where we left off...laughing our way through all of the bad decisions we love to make together. This weekend was no different. Our bums sat on the bar stools of a local Pittsburgh bar for way too many hours, we ate everything that 'they' say you shouldn't, let those gym memberships we spent too much money on go to waste and had an absolute blast. Love you dearly, my lovely Natty!

Perhaps tomorrow night when I've determined that the internet is far more important than sleep, I will delve into some of those bad decisions... or, God only knows, what else. None the less, I am looking forward to sharing my thoughts on life, friends, family, love and well, the chaos that I enjoy so immensely.

Until tomorrow...goodnight internet.

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